Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm blogging too?

So I suppose I should begin my blog by baking something, given the title.  After giving up sweets and candy for Lent, I've come to appreciate bars of all kinds.  Granola, Luna, Kind, Lara... really anything full of whole almonds and less than 5 ingredients.  However, they are pricey.  Anywhere from $1.00-2.00, a little much for a simple snack.  What is a granola loving yogi to do?  Create her own bar, of course!
Kind Fruit + Nut Bars - Almond and Coconut - 1.4 oz bar
This is my very, very favorite variety, which I will attempt to make.  I found a recipe online, and this is my outcome.

If anyone needs any wheat germ, you know who to call.

That is a LOT of Coconut.

Before the oven...

I made this for roughly the cost of 1.5-2 Kind bars.

1/2 cup whole almonds
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1/2 cup honey (or 1/4 c. each honey and agave nectar)
1 cup unsweetened finely shredded coconut
1/2 cup coconut chips/shreds
2 Tbsp wheat germ

Cost for all ingredients= $14, of which I used a fraction.  Nurtritionally, they are basically equal, around 200 calories and 6 grams of fat.

Verdict?  Very close.  I will give myself the win due to cost, and how I love seeing the ingredients going in.  While I will probably still buy the Kind bar in a pinch, mine just has that homemade goodness that is hard to package.  I'm just proud that this recipe called for absolutely no butter, a formidible task for a Dutch baker.  Next time I think I'll add some flax, sunflower seeds, and dried fruit.  I'd like to say I always eat like this, but I did indulge in some Jet's pizza recently... followed by a greek yogurt chaser, of course :).  I love cooking and baking, even if it is just for me!  Recently I was telling a co-worker that I was looking forward to making a potroast, to which she replied "Just for you?" in an acrid tone.  I simply said "of course!", when I wanted to explain that being single doesn't mean I have to resign to a life of lean cusines.  And I should be able to eat healthfully and well.  But, you know, some explanations are wasted on the feeble minded.  Now, for my pre-yoga coconut almond bar.



  1. Thanks lisa...I think I just might have to try this this week :) How long did you bake it for?

  2. Oh, details, right :). I baked it for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Bake until it's just brown and cut while warm. They had a pretty intense honey flavor, and I may try half agave nectar next time. It wasn't a bad thing, but it may be more subtle sweetness with the agave.

  3. Why didn't you bring one to yoga for me?!

  4. YUM...gonna have to try this...I learned the hard way how expensive KIND bars are: by buying one in the Bistro in the Heart Center! I think it was nearly $3!
